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用你的富余时间,写写英文小文章,赚个小钱钱 | 浏览:45348 回复:0 |
1 楼 发表于:2017/5/2 22:32:20 编辑 | |
下面是今天收到的文章,以后还会陆续贴出新的写作需求: ################## 文章一(2017050201) ######################### 写作要求: This activity will take a 1/2 hour. First, sit down with a print book (not a textbook) and read from it for 15 minutes. Then immediately after reading, watch TV or go online for 15 minutes. What book did you read? What TV show did you watch or website did you visit? How did the two experiences differ? Which experience did you enjoy more and why? Overall, are you a print media person or an electronic media person? Explain. (Blind/low vision students: You can explore the differences between listening to an audiobook for 15 minutes and listening to a television show for 15 minutes.) (250 minimum word count) place your word count in parenthesis at the end of your response 报酬:35元¥ ################## 文章二 (2017050202) ######################### 写作要求: Discuss two recent book, ebook, and/or publishing innovations. For example, using Facebook to build a fanbase, the advantages of self-publishing, or the average book’s length getting longer. Cite TWO sources (other than Wikipedia) in your response. Sources need to be 2015 - present. Also, at the end of your response leave an APA style Reference List of your sources. Review the APA Style guidelines under Home. (450 minimum word count) place your word count in parenthesis at the end of your response 报酬:60元¥ ################################################## 人员素质要求:英语CET6以上,或者研究生,尤其欢迎英语专业的同学; 报酬支付方式:交稿后,经过审核,48小时内打入微信、支付宝; 有意者请加QQ群:616421945,请注明“学校+专业+年级+英语水平”; ################################################## 我们重视合作信誉,本着为自己、为大家的信条,希望能为有富余课外时间的同学们增加一项额外收入,在提升自身英语水平的同时也能充实一下腰包。希望有意向的同学踊跃参加,小事业刚起步,大家可以在合作的过程中互相促进、互相提升,不足之处欢迎指正。 |